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2 x ((L x W) + (L x H) + (H x W))

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Q: How do you Find the total surface area of a rectangular box?
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Surface area of rectangular prism?

surface area of a rectangular prism is the formula: 2lw+2wh+2lh

How can you find the surface area of a rectangular area?

It is length * width.

How do you find the total surface area of a rectangular prism?

Measure the length (L), width (W) and height (H). Then total surface area = 2*(L*W + W*H +H+L)

How do you solve surface area of a rectangular prisem?

Properties of a rectangular prism: * A rectangular prism has a total of 6 surfaces. * Because it is rectangular it will have 4 equal longer edges and 8 equal shorter edges, and so * It will have 4 rectangular faces and 2 square faces, therefore * Total surface area = 2 x square (end ) surface + 4 x rectangular (side) surfaces If we let x = shorter edges (breadth) & y = longer edges (length), and, as area = length x breadth, then * each end (a square surface) will have an area of x2 * each side (rectangular surface) will have an area of xy Thus: Total surface area of the rectangular prism = 2 x end area + 4 x side area = 2x2 + 4xy = 2x(x + 2y) Hope this nswers your question and explains how we arrive at the formula for calculating the total surface area of a rectangular prism.

Is the surface area of a rectangular prism squared or cubed?

Squared. When you find surface area, you are only finding the area of the shapes that make up the three-denominational shape.

How do you find the surface area of a rectangular prism if you are missing a dimension?

You cannot.

Surface area of rectangular pyramid?

Suppose that the area of the rectangular base is: lw then if the height is: h the surface area is: lw + lh + wh I believe that formula is for the surface area of a rectangular prism...

What is the total surface area of a rectangular prism of 96 square feet?

96 square feet

Which has more surface area a rectangular prisms or rectangular pyramid?

For the same base dimensions (base area) and the same height, the rectangular prism has more surface area.

How do you find the surface area of an equilateral triangular prism?

To find the surface area of an equilateral triangular prism you take the area of the rectangular sides and the triangular bases and add them up and your done.

What is the formula for surface area on a rectangular prism?

u have to find the surface area for individual sides. so lxw for each individual side

How do you find the lateral area of the rectangular prism?

If the prism has length L, breadth B and height H, then total surface area = 2*(LB + BH + HL) square units.