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You place a ruler on a piece of paper and trace both sides. Put the point of your pair of compasses on the line and draw a circle. Then draw another circle, that is the same size, the same way further along the line. You will then be able to use your rule to draw a line that is a tangent to the two circle, and so parallel to your first line. Once you have done this you will realize that you don't need to draw a full circle just a small arc.

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Q: How do you construct a parallel line?
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To construct a parallel to a line through a point not on the line using folding you can perform the construction twice?

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~APEX~ A parallel line through a point not on the line

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~APEX~ A parallel line through a point not on the line

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~APEX~ A parallel line through a point not on the line

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To construct a parallel to a line through a point not on the line using paper folding you can perform the construction twice?

perpendicular line segment (apex)

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