you might not be able to construct all the angles, but using a compass you can construct some angles by constructing angular bisectors.
eg:construct angular bisector of straight line i.e; 180 degrees it gives 90 degrees
A protractor is normally used to construct angles.
Construct an equilateral triangle because each of its 3 exterior angles measures 120 degrees
With a straight edge and a protractor
You cannot, you must use a protractor.
A protractor is normally used to construct angles.
Construct an equilateral triangle because each of its 3 exterior angles measures 120 degrees
Construct an equilateral triangle which will have 3 equal interior angles of 60 degrees and 3 equal exterior angles of 120 degrees
You can onlymeasure angles by using a protractor.
by using a protractor
by using a protractor
To accurately measure angles using a protractor, place the center of the protractor on the vertex of the angle. Align one side of the angle with the zero line on the protractor. Read the measurement where the other side of the angle intersects the protractor scale.
By using a protractor and a straight edge
It is done out using a protractor.
Using a protractor is the simplest way of solving the measurements of angles.