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Make two cuts normally, then make the third cut along a line that crosses both of the first two cuts but does not pass through their intersection.

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Q: How do you cut pizza into 7 pieces with three cuts?
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Related questions

How can you cut a pizza into 11 pieces with 4 straight cuts?

A pizza can be cut into eleven pieces with 4 straight cuts if an X is cut, then the rest of the pizza is cut starting from the right and working to the left in four straight lines.

How to cut a pizza into 22 pieces with 6 straight cuts?

A Knife

How can you cut a pizza into 29 pieces with 7 straight cuts?

Cut a pizza into 2 using one straight cut. Stack the pieces and make a straight cut: you now have 22 = 4 pieces from 2 cuts. Stack these and make a straight cut: you now have 23 = 8 pieces from 3 cuts. Continue. After 7 cuts you can have 27 = 128 pieces. You can reduce the number of pieces to 29 if, after the fourth cut, you stack and cut only 11 pieces and thereafter cut just one each time. There are other options which give the same result.

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What is the minimum number of pieces can be obtained in a pizza using 3 cuts?

6 if cut like a normal pizza and 3 if cut without overlapping

How can you divide a pizza into eight equal pieces using three cuts without rearranging the pizza?

Cut the pizza in half along a diameter going from west to east. Then cut the two halves along a diameter going from north to south. Finally, cut the four quarters with a circular cut that is centered on the center of the pizza and having a radius of about 71% that of the pizza (the exact figure is the square root of one half). Give the pieces from inside the circle to your friends who don't like the crust.By the way, it isn't possible to do this so that all eight pieces include part of the crust; the circumference of the pizza would have to be cut eight times, but it can only be cut twice by each of the three cuts. STOP LYING

How do you cut three bananas into nine pieces by only three cuts?

Lay the bananas next to each other then cut through all the bananas together. By making three cuts you will get nine pieces of banana.

How can you make a pizza with 8 slices when you only draw 3 lines?

Each cut("line") increases the number of slices by a multiple of 2 (provided that each cut crosses the center of the pizza). So, 1 cut would make 2 pieces, 2 cuts would make 4 pieces and 3 cuts would make 8 pieces

How many slices of pizza can you get at the most from three cuts of a pizza cutter?

Two. Two cuts to make one triangle. Another one cut from one side of the already-cut slice.

How can you cut a pizza into 8 pieces with 3 straight cuts?

Well let's see. . . Step 1. cut the pizza in half. Step 2. place one half on top of the other half. Step 3. make a second cut to both halves at the same time leghtwise. Step 4. make a third cut perpendicular to the last cut. you end up with 8 pieces and you only made 3 cuts.

How do you cut a round pizza into 11 pieces with exactly 4 straight cuts with pics?

See related links below.

What is the largest number of pieces you could cut a pie into with three straight cuts of a knife?

Eight. Use the first two cuts to cut the pie into four pieces, then use the third cut to slice the top from the bottom, doubling the number of pieces to 8.