By adding all three sides (length, breadth and height) all-together we get the linear dimensions of a box.
There is not an instrument designed to measure the volume of a rectangular box. You would use a ruler or tape measure or similar to measure its linear dimensions and a brain to multiply them together.
Impossible to figure out. You did not mention any dimensions of the figure. You mush have the dimensions.
what is 20 linear feet in quantity
This question cannot be answered sensibly. A square metre is a measure of area, with dimensions [L2]. A linear linear metre is a measure of distance, with dimensions [L]. Basic dimensional analysis teaches that you cannot convert between measures with different dimensions such as these.How_many_linear_metres_to_a_square_metres
You do not. A square foot is a measure of area, with dimensions [L2]. A linear foot is a measure of distance, with dimensions [L]. Basic dimensional analysis teaches that you cannot convert between measures with different dimensions such as these without additional information.
Depends what you mean by the "size" of the figure.To double the linear dimensions of the figure ===> Multiply the linear dimensions by 2.To double the area of the figure ===> Multiply the linear dimensions by sqrt(2). (1.4142)
Its linear dimensions increase by that whole number.
If the new linear dimensions are k times the old dimensions, then the new area is k2 times the old area.
Each linear dimension is altered by a multiple which is the scale factor.
The answer depends on the shape and dimensions of the box!
20 + 20 + 20 = 60 units.
You cannot. There is no relationship between the height and the other two linear dimensions of a box.
When linear dimensions are multiplied by 'K', - perimeter is also multiplied by 'K' - area is multiplied by K2 - volume is multiplied by K3
When the linear dimensions of a plane figure are quadrupled, its perimeter is quadrupled, and its area is multiplied by 42 = 16 .
It has no linear dimensions.
Impossible to figure out. You did not mention any dimensions of the figure. You mush have the dimensions.
Measure the linear dimensions in cm and then calculate the area using the appropriate formula. or measure the linear dimensions in metres, calculate the area and mutiply by 10000 or measure the linear dimensions in millimetres, calculate the area and divide by 100.