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Use the formula: 2X3.14Xr2Xh + 2X3.14XrXh

it may be confusing, because it is long

2 times pi time radius squared times height plus 2 times pi times radius times height.

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Q: How do you find surface areas of cylinders?
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What- is-the-relationship-between-cylinders'-cones'-and-spheres'-surface area?

The relationship between the surface areas of cylinders, cones, and spheres is that the surface area of a cylinder is equal to the sum of the areas of its two circular bases and its curved surface area, the surface area of a cone is equal to the sum of the area of its circular base and its curved surface area, and the surface area of a sphere is equal to four times the area of its circular base.

How do you find the surface area of a triangular surface?

to find the surface area you have to first find the area of each part then add the areas together.

How do you find a cylinders lateral area?

Use the Formula Lateral Surface Area= 2(pi=3.14)rh

How do the surface areas formula of cones and cylinders differ from that of prisms and pyramids?

The most general difference is: > The formula for the surface area of anything with a curved surface and edge will involve 'pi'. > The formula for the surface area of anything with only flat surfaces and straight edges won't.

How could you calculate the surface area of a shape?

To calculate the surface area of a shape find the area of each side, and then, add all of the areas together. The sum of the areas is the surface area.

What is the crescent shaped surface of liquid that formes in pipettes and graduated cylinders?

The crescent shaped surface of liquid that forms in pipettes and graduated cylinders is called a meniscus.


The crescent shaped surface of liquid that forms in pipettes and graduated cylinders is called a meniscus.

What is the crescent shaped surface of the liquid that forms in pipette and graduated cylinders?

The crescent shaped surface of liquid that forms in pipettes and graduated cylinders is called a meniscus.

What is the crescent shaped surface of liquid that forms in pipette and graduated cylinders?

The crescent shaped surface of liquid that forms in pipettes and graduated cylinders is called a meniscus.

What is the crescent shaped surface of liquid that forms in pipettes is graduated cylinders?

The crescent shaped surface of liquid that forms in pipettes and graduated cylinders is called a meniscus.

What is the crescent shaped surface of liquid the forms in pipettes and graduated cylinders?

The crescent shaped surface of liquid that forms in pipettes and graduated cylinders is called a meniscus.

What is the crescent-shaped surface of the liquid that forms in pipettes and graduated cylinders?

The crescent shaped surface of liquid that forms in pipettes and graduated cylinders is called a meniscus.