

Best Answer

-- If you know either the area or the circumference of the circle, you can

calculate the other one.

-- If you don't know either the area or the circumference, then you have to

either measure the circle's diameter, or ask around and try to find someone

who already knows what the length of the diameter is.

-- Once you have the diameter, take 1/2 of it. That's called the circle's "radius".

-- The area of the circle is (pi) x (radius)2

-- The circumference of the circle is (2 pi) x (radius) or (pi) x (diameter).

(Pi) is a number that can never be exactly written down, so the best you can do is

use some number that's close. The closer your number is to (pi), the closer your

answer will be to the truth, but it can never be exactly and perfectly correct.

(Pi) is approximately 3.1415926 .

But the easiest and most practical way to work with it is to use 22/7 for it.

If you do that, then your answers are only about 0.04 percent wrong, and

that's actually pretty darn good.

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12y ago
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12y ago

Circumference is the length around the circle

C = 2 pi (r)

r is radius half of diameter

Area of a circle is the number of square units inside the circle

A = pi (r)^2

r is the radius again

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13y ago

Multiply the length or diameter by pi (approximately 3.14) to find the circumference. For the area of a circle, multiply pi by the radius squared.

A = pi * r2

C= pi * D

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Circumference of a circle = 2*pi*radius or diameter*pi Area of a circle = pi*radius squared

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Area of a circle = 3.14 * r2 Thus, radius, r = root of ( Area of a circle / 3.14 ) --------- equation 1 Circumference of circle = 2 * 3.14 * r Therefore, from (equation 1), Circumference = 2 * 3.14 * root of ( Area of a circle / 3.14 ). In a nutshell, first find the radius and then the circumference.

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Area of the circle = (circumference)2 / (4 pi)Area = 0.0796 circumference2(rounded)

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What do you have? The area of the circle or the circumference? Area: divide the area by pi, then square root it Circumference: divide the circumference by 2 then divide it by pi

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Divide its circumference by 2*pi which will give the radius of the circle. Area of the circle then is pi*radius squared

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Area of a circle is: A=π*r2 and r=circumference/2. Find 1/2 of the circumference and square it (multiply by same number), then multiply by pi.

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Square root (Area/pi) to get the radius Then 2xRadiusxPi= Circumference

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