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Divide the area by the known side.

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Q: How do you find the unknown side of a rectangle if you have the area and one side?
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How do uou find the length of a rectangle?

If you know the length of one side - and the area... divide the area by the known side - to get the value of the unknown.

How do you find the area of a square if you know the area of the rectangle inside it?

Multiply the long side of the rectangle's length by itself.

Can you find the area of a rectangle only knowing the perimeter?

To find the area of a rectangle, you multiply the length by the width (one side by a different side) Or you could count how many centimeter squares make up the rectangle

How do you find the dimension of a rectangle when area is given?

Divide its area by a given side

Can you find the perimeter if you know area of a rectangle?

You can find the perimeter of a rectangle if you know its area and the length of one side. Divide the area by the length of the known side and the quotient will be the length of a side perpendicular to the known side, and then multiply the sum of the two sides by two to find the perimeter.

How do you find the area of a rectangle with a triangle attached to the side?

you split your shape in half, (The rectangle and the triangle), by putting a line through it and then calculate the area of the rectangle and then calculate the area of the triangle, half the area of the triangle then add the area of the triangle and the rectangle together!Then you should have your answer!

How do you find the area of a cylander?

-- Slice it down one side and flatten it out. -- Now you have a rectangle. You only have to find the area of a rectangle. -- The area of a rectangle is (length) times (width). -- The length of the rectangle used to be the length of the cylinder. -- The width of the rectangle used to be the circumference of the cylinder's round ends, while it was still rolled up.

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What is the formula of a irregular rectangle?

The answer depends on what aspect of a rectangle: its angles, area, side lengths, diagonals, other?The answer depends on what aspect of a rectangle: its angles, area, side lengths, diagonals, other?The answer depends on what aspect of a rectangle: its angles, area, side lengths, diagonals, other?The answer depends on what aspect of a rectangle: its angles, area, side lengths, diagonals, other?

What is the surface area of one side of a triangular prism?

It depends on the size of the triangular prism, but depending on the side of the prism you use the triangle area formula to find it or the rectangle area formula to find it.

If a rectangle has an area of 2000 feet squared one side is fifty feet long what is the perimeter of the rectangle?

The formula for the area (A) of a rectangle is A = length x width : Let w be the unknown side then 2000 = 50w : w = 2000 ÷ 50 = 40 feet Perimeter of a rectangle = 2(length + width) = 2(50 + 40) = 2 x 90 = 180 feet

How do you find the dimensions of a rectangle with 6 square feet?

You can't unless you know something else about the rectangle, such as the short side is 1 less than the long side. A rectangle of 2 by 3 and a rectangle of 1 by 6 both have an area of 6.