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The formula to find the volume of a triangular pyramid is:

1/3 (1/2 B H ) H

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Q: How do you find the volume of a triangular pyramid?
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How do you find the volume of a triangular based pyramid that is isosceles?

Go ask that guy

What is the formula for finding the volume for a triangular pyramid?

The formula for finding the volume for a triangular pyramid is half base x height x length. A triangular pyramid has four faces.

How do you find the volume of a triagluar?

"triangular" is an adjective - it is not enough to define a shape. You can have a triangular pyramid or a triangular prism and there will be different methods to calculate their volumes.

Formula for volume of triangular?

It depends on triangular what: pyramid, dipyramid, prism, ...

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How To find out the Volume of a triangular based pyramid?

You have to find out the area of the base which you find out with perpendicular height times base then time that by the perpendicular height of the pyramid and divide it by 3

How do you get the volume of a square pyramid and a triangular pyramid?

The volume for any pyramid = 1/3*base area*perpendicular height

What is the formula to find the volume of a triangler pyramid?

Volume = 1/3 height of pyramid multiplied by the area of the triangular base. V = 1/3 h * area of base.

Find the volume of a triangular pyramid?

A pyramid has a base and triangular sides which rise to meet at the same point. The base may be any polygon such as a square, rectangle, triangle, etc. The general formula for the volume of a pyramid is:Area of the base * Height * 1/3 The volume of a pyramid with a rectangular base is equal to: Length_of_base * Width_of_base * Height * 1/3

How do you calculate the volume of triangular pyramid?

Volume = 1/3*base area*height

How do you find the Volume of a triangular block?

You have to find out the area of the base which you find out with perpendicular height times base then time that by the perpendicular height of the pyramid and divide it by 3

Height of a triangular based pyramid?

The height of a triangular based pyramid is given by h=2V/(bxl). V is its volume, b its base and l its length.