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Their slopes are equal.

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Does the letter l have two line segments that are parallel?


What are two line line segments that are not parallel?

two line segments that are not parallel are intersecting even if they don't touch like this /l / l they are considered intersecting because you must extend it like they are lines to say they are parallel or not

What two quadrilaterals have two sets of parallel sides?

There are more than two: A parallelogram has two sets of parallel line segments which may be of unequal length; A rectangle is a parallelogram that has line segments that meet at right angles; A rhombus has to sets of parallel line segments which are all of the same length; A square is a rhombus which has line segments meeting at right angles, or stated differently a square is a rectangle which has all line segments of the same length.

What does two segments that do not intersect look like?

Line segments that do not intersect are parallel lines

What are two parallel line segments called?

Parallel line segments? Or parallels maybe. In french at least it's that way, so I'm assuming it's the same for english. :)

Are line segments parallel with each other?

it depends on how you place it, they can be. all a line segment is is a straight line, if you have two you can have parallel or crossing lines.

If two lines are parallel are they congruent?

First, lines and rays cannot be congruent because they do not have both end points defined. Not having an end point define means we cannot talk about their length so they can't be congruent. Line segments, however, can be congruent. Congruent line segments NEED NOT be parallel.Furthermore, if two line segments are parallel, that does not mean they are congruent since parallel line segments may not have the same length.Congruent line segments would be ones that are the same length.

How do you classify a parallel line?

I classify a parallel line as two line segments that will never intersect if the line kept going. They are perfectly straight and even.

What two line segments that do not cross no matter how far they extend?

Parallel lines

Is a square a parallel?

A square has two sets of parallel line segments. "Parallel" does not describe a square, however.

Parallel line segments are 2 line segments that are parallel. They never touch and they do not go on forever. Parallel lines do go on forever because lines go on forever. I think I'm right. Am I?

Yes, you are right. A line segment eventually ends. In fact, a segment has two endpoints. But parallel lines go on forever; they have no endpoints.Example: (arrows indicating they go on forever)_____________________ (these are parallel line segments)

If two of the line segments of a polygon are parallel what is the least number of sides it could have?
