usually it depends on where you are going if you are going to France from England the aircraft should travel approximately at 500/550 mph. if you are on a longer flight from England to Australia usually 600 mph.
An interesting addition to this question is how slow can a plane go?
RAAF pilots at their airforce base in South Australia can land planes while flying backwards. Into a strong headwind the plane can be kept airborn and can be landed while moving backwards.
Two planes intersect at a line. The line where they intersect pertains to both planes. In the same manner, if infinitely many planes intersect each other at the same line, then that line pertains to the infinitely many planes.
It helps the plane balance. And on the planes tail it has two flaps on each side, and when these flaps go up it lifts the tail and the plane goes down, and when the flaps go down then then plane goes up.
there is 9 planes of symmetry in a cube
There are 31 planes of existence in Buddhist belief
It differs between planes. They each have a certain ceiling (max height) and when you find out what airplane your on, you can find out the ceiling
depends on the plane.
because planes are fast and they can go to place that boats, cars, ect. can not. and for quicker transportation
over 14 mph
no not at all they are very slow, slower than snails
1 metre per hour
Some rocket planes can go as fast as six times the speed of sound. Most military fighter planes do not go faster than twice the speed of sound, and the typical civilian passenger/transport plane goes slower than the sound barrier.
planes are used for cargo shipping, passenger shipping, or just sight seeing.
streamlining is important because with out it cars,planes and some boats would go to fast and out of control
About 300mph. They are not the fastest cars though - unlike with planes, jet cars are faster.
Planes take off so quickly because they have the ability to go at fast speed. The air flows off the leading edges and the pilots reduce drag in order to go faster.
In 1934 all planes travelled exactly 13m/s.