a triangle is 180 degrees a square is 2 triangles so it is 360 degrees an octagon is 8 sides 720 degrees 180 times 4 = 720 degrees
they are alike because they both have acute angles
A square and and a triangle
A square pyramid has the base of a square,and sides of a triangle. While a triangle pyramid has the base and sides of a triangle.
Cones have a circular base and a triangle prism has a triangular base
a triangle is half a square
A square
They are polygons.
They are different because a square has 4 right angles and a triangle has no right angles they are also alike because they are both shapes
A square triangle and hexagon are alike becaue they are shapes. they are also alike because the have straight lines and no curved. each of the shapes have a base and at least 2 corners. hope these are good for what you needed and sorry if not.
they both have sides and corners. they both have sides and corners.
They are both 2D shapes and have exterior angles that add up to 360 degrees
Here is a list of all the cheats in Dead Space PlayStation 3 version. To activate a cheat, pause the game and enter a cheat code.Refill Stasis energyPress Square, Triangle, Triangle, Square, Triangle.Refill oxygenPress Square, Square, Triangle, Triangle, Triangle.+2 Power NodesPress Triangle, Square, Square, Square, Triangle.+5 Power NodesPress Triangle, Square, Triangle, Square, Square, Triangle, Square, Square, Triangle, Square, Square, Triangle.+1,000 CreditsPress Square, Square, Square, Triangle, Square.+2,000 CreditsPress Square, Square, Square, Triangle, Triangle.+5,000 CreditsPress Square, Square, Square, Triangle, Square, Triangle.+10,000 CreditsPress Square, Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, Square, Square, Triangle.
Since the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory was not a sweatshop the conditions were not alike.
$50,000 - square, circle, triangle, square, circle, triangle, X earn 500 thrill points - circle, square, triangle, circle, square, triangle, square all minigames (Party Play) - square, circle, triangle, square, circle, triangle, right all missions unlocked - square, circle, triangle, square, circle, triangle, circle all parks - square, circle, triangle, square, circle, triangle, square all rides - square, circle, triangle, square, circle, triangle, triangle
A square is not a triangle.A square is not a triangle.A square is not a triangle.A square is not a triangle.
a triangle is 180 degrees a square is 2 triangles so it is 360 degrees an octagon is 8 sides 720 degrees 180 times 4 = 720 degrees