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In both cases, Volume = Length times Cross-sectional area.

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Q: How is the volume of a cylinder related to the volume of a triangular prism?
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What is different between a triangular prism and a cylinder?

A triangular prism has triangles as its bases...a cylinder has circles as its one fricken cares

Draw a cone cylinder and triangular prism WHAT DOES THIS LOOK LIKE drawn?

It is not possible to draw a cone cylinder and triangular prism in this platform.

How do you do the volume of a triangular prism?

triangular prism- formula: Abh(area of the base * height)

Would tripling the height of a triangular prism triple its volume?

If you triplied the height of a triangular prism, would that triple it volume

How many circular bases triangular prism?

None. By definition, a triangular prism has triangular bases. If it had circular bases it would be a circular prism (cylinder).

How do you spell a trianguluar cylinder?

A triangular cylinder would be a prism.

The formula for finding the volume of a triangular prism?

A triangular prism can be thought of as a stack of triangles. Then the volume is equal to the area of the triangular base multiplied by the height of the prism, or 1/2 length * width * height.

Find the surface area of the right triangular prism?

the defnition of find the surface area of triangular prism and cylinder

How much a triangular prism equal to?

Do you mean, what is the volume of a (right) triangular prism? Multiply the area of one end by the length of the prism.

Formula for volume of triangular?

It depends on triangular what: pyramid, dipyramid, prism, ...

How are the volumes of right pyramid and right cone related to the volume of a right prism and right cylinder?

The volume of the pyramid and cone is one third the volume of the corresponding (ie same [size] base and height) prism and cylinder.

How do you find the volume for a triangular prism?

The volume of any prism is worked out in the same way whether it's a hexagonal prism, circular prism or a triangular prism. You just need to times the length of the prism against the area of the cross-section.