measuring distances, plotting points
The symbol is two parallel, vertical lines. I don't believe that it is directly related to the equal symbol; although it is possible that the vertical position was chosen precisely to avoid confusion.
A capital A is usually used as a symbol for area in math.
Math has many values like estimating can help you determine an amount you have to pay.
the answer.
tutting is the general name used for any form of tutting either with hand, elbow, fingers, feet, knees, etc.....finger tutting is more specifically involving fingers and bending between the digits which is more intricate and require more control. however finger tutting is hard to see, hence its rarely used for big shows but it does look a lot better
No it's not capitalized.
Finger tutting is believed to have originated in the early 2000s within the hip-hop dance community. While the exact creator of finger tutting is not definitive, dancers such as Jayfunk are credited with popularizing and innovating the style.
Rocks are related to math because of geology and in geology you use math.
The patterns they dance is related to math. How their body moves are related to math. How the brain signals our body to move is related to math. and... there are much more..
It is math related because the eclipse is science and the days are math because you have to count the days and math.
On units of 12
No she wan't tutting. She just likes to keep her relationship with her fiance private. More celebs should follow her example.
Math is related to numbers and money is counted in numbers.
Population is related to math because it uses percentage
elevators are related to math because elevators have numbers on them
Tutting is slang for writing tutorials. A tut is a tutorial about a specified action. No one person can be given credit for creating tutting.Tutting is also a type of dancing. Tutting gets its name from the Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamen and is modeled after hieroglyphs. Once again, no one can be accredited, but it did start in the 1980's.