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a square mile

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Q: How long is a country block?
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Related questions

Is a long block a big block?

It could be if it is a big block but a "long block" means it includes the heads a short block does not.

What is the diff between a 460 long block and a 460 short block?

460 long block comes with heads... short block does not

The different between 350 Short block and long block?

The 350 short block has less power than a 350 long block.

What country sent Adrian block?

Holland sent Adriaen Block in 1613.

Does the jeep grand Cherokee limited V8 have a long block or short block engine?

It has both. The difference between a long block and short block is whats on them. A short block is just that the Block with the pistons and crankshaft. A long block would be the short block with the heads and valve cover attached without any accessories attached.

Does a short block and long block has the same crank shafts?

The crankshaft has nothing to do with a short are long block. A short block is everything but the heads and intake. A long block has the heads and intake all ready on it, Its the complete engine. You have to put the heads and intake on the short block yourself. That is the difference.

What did Adriaen Block discover?

Block Island (Long Island)

Block printing originated in which country?


How many inches are in a block?

A standard concrete block in the US is 16 inches long, 8 inches tall, and 4 inches wide.

Does a 350 long block have more power than a 350 small block?

They are both the same engines. You refer to a long block as being a compleat engine assy. 350 small block is what it means. It's a 350 and that is called a small block.

How long is a Phoenix city block?

There are various lengths on which the Phoenix City block.

What is the length of a block?

6cm long