an acre is 210'X210'X210'X210'
About 4.6% of an acre.
One side of a 40-acre square is 1,320 feet.
Each side of a square acre is: 208.7 feet long.
An acre is not a unit of length, an acre, rather, is a unit of area. An area is measured 43,560 square feet.
It depends on the shape of the acre. It could be a very long thin rectangle.
No, the word "acre" is typically pronounced with a short "a" sound, like "ak-er."
Long Acre road is located in London, England. Other locations have the name Long Acre, including the Long Acre theater in New York, and Longacre Square, now Times Square, located also in New York.
Yes, the word "acre" is pronounced with a long A sound, like "ay-ker."
an acre is 210'X210'X210'X210'
About 4.6% of an acre.
An acre is 43,560 square feet. An easy way to remember this is that an acre is 66 feet wide by 660 feet long.
An acre contains 43560 square feet. The actual dimensions of the acre can vary greatly as long as the total area is correct.
0.004047 km2
About 15% of an acre.
An acre is a measure of area with no defined shape. You can make it as long as you like if it is also made correspondingly thinner.
An acre is merely a measurement of area - in this case 4000m2 (metres squared). So it doesn't have a defined width. It could be really long and narrow, or quite square, as long as the area inside is equivalent to 4000m2 then it's an acre.