About 0.012 (1/80) acre.
520 (square feet) = 0.0119375574 acres
An acre is 4840 square yards or 43560 square feet.
520 square feet = 57.7 square yards.
10' by 10' with 8-ft ceilings: -- Floor = 100 square feet -- Ceiling = 100 square feet -- Each wall = 80 square feet Total interior surface area of the room = (2 x 100) + (4 x 80) = 520 square feet. (Less windows, recessed light fixtures, doors, electrical outlets, etc.)
That will depend on the part of the country it's in, as well ason the state, the city, and the neighborhood in that city.
There are an infinite number for numbers for length and width that will give an area of 1080 square feet. However, using only integer values, there are 32 pairs of values that will give 1080 square feet: 1 * 1080 2 * 540 3 * 360 4 * 270 5 * 216 6 * 360 8 * 135 9 * 120 10 * 108 12 * 90 15 * 72 18 * 60 20 * 54 24 * 45 27 * 40 30 * 36 36 * 30 40 * 27 45 * 24 54 * 20 60 * 18 72 * 15 90 * 12 108 * 10 120 * 9 135 * 8 180 * 6 216 * 5 270 * 4 360 * 3 520 * 2 1080 * 1
520 square feet = 57.7 square yards.
You mulitply 26 by 20 to get 520 square feet 520. The problem can be done by multiplying 20 X 26 giving u the answer.
Answer: 520 m² = 5,597.233 ft²
520 feet = 173.3 yards.
520 feet is 6,240 inches.
And acre contains 43,560 square feet. The conversion would be .520 acres.
17.060 367 454 feet
It is a length of 520 feet.
Floor and ceiling . . . (10' x 10') = 100 square feet eachFour walls . . . . . . . . (10' x 8') = 80 square feet eachTotal area inside the room = 2 (100) + 4 (80) = 520 square feet
520 mm = 1.70604 feet.