The land are of the earth is about 148,940,000 km² , or about 57,491,000 mi2 or about 36,794,240,000 acres.
Wikipedia has more information, and a link is provided.
Whatever .
Rhode Island's land area is 775,680 acres.
Kansas comprises 52,361,523.2 acres (land area).
There is 2,428,213,120 acres of land in the continental United States (including water)
27443 acres
160 acres
The total land area of Earth is approximately 36.8 billion acres.
How many acres are in the UK
India has 707,714,998 acres of land. Another 74,722,937.2 acres is water.
Illinois has 35,532,115.2 acres of land. An additional 1,532,556.8 acres is water.
Connecticut has a land area of 3,100,544 acres.
Idaho has 52,891,596.8 acres of land.
272,877,440 acres.
171,891,840 acres
South Dakota's land area is 49,398,000 acres.
80 acres of land is equivalent to 32.37 hectares.
Pakistan's total land area is 190,621,060 acres.