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Q: How many bales of cotton per acre?
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How many bales of cotton can be produced from one acre?

The number of bales that are produced per acre varies a lot by area, soil conditions, type of cotton, and weather conditions. For instance, in Lubbock, Texas in 2012, cotton production varied from 1/2 bale per acre to 4 bales per acre. The higher yields came from fields that were irrigated.

How many large square bales of hay per acre?

75-100 bales depending on the type of hay, 1st or 2nd cutting , and the size of the bale.

How many bales of cotton are grown in Georgia a year?

Approximately 2.9 million bales of cotton are grown in Georgia each year, making it one of the top cotton-producing states in the United States.

How many square bales in one acre?

Typical square bale will weigh between 60 to 120 pounds depending on moisture content and density of material in the bale. Yields of hay very greatly from .05 to 6 ton per acre. Given an average weight of 80 lbs. per bale and average yield of 2.0 ton per acre, one could expect to yield 20-25 square bales per acre.

How much cotton does Texas produce per year?

7,000,000 bales

How many tons of cotton grown per acre?

The cotton yield forecast is 685 pounds per acre, down 367 pounds from last year's yield. See the related link below.

How many bales of hay will fit on a 8x30 foot trailer?

This depends on a few factors: Forage quality, forage biomass in terms of lbs/acre, forage content, hayfield/pasture conditions, and the size/weight of the round bale. Some areas can get get 3 bales per acre, especially if the bales are packed light and small, whereas others may only get 2 or 3 acres per bale.

How many pounds of cotton do you get to the acre?

It can vary a lot by year, location, weather, and many other factors, but the US average over the last couple of years was about 800 pounds per acre.

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There are four roods per acre.

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