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Q: How many blades of grass are there in one square foot of lawn?
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A rectangular garden is 80 m by 60 m Part of the garden is torn up to install a strip of lawn of equal width around the garden The new area of the garden is 800 square m how wide is the strip of lawn?

The strip is 20 m wide

Joel is laying pipe for sprinker system before he plants his lawn The lawn is a rectangle15 feet long and 8 feet wide He needs to lay a piece of pipe that will be run along the diagonal of the lawn.?

17 feet.

How is perimeter used in real world?

Several uses come to mind. For one, the perimeter of a building, multiplied by the wall height gives an estimate of how much paint, siding, sheathing plywood, etc. are needed to do some work. For things with a circular shape, say a small lake, you can tell the distance across the lake by walking the perimeter and dividing that distance by pi to get the diameter, i.e., distance . Doing the same kind of thing on a flag pole allows you to decide how long the screws must be to mount a flag pulley. Another is using the perimeter of something like a lawn or garden to estimate how much seed, fertilizer, or other material is needed when you know that it should be used as so much per acre/square yard/square foot or other area.

Why is surface area important to the real world?

Some practical real world examples why surface area is important:If you want to paint a house, you need to know the surface area to determine how much paint to buy.If you want to plant grass on a dirt lot, you need to know the surface area to determine how much grass seat to use.If you want to sew a dress, you need to know the surface area of the dress (dress size) to know how much material you need.If you want to make money mowing lawns, you need to know the surface area of the lawn to know how much to charge for the work.If you want to put carpet in a living room, you need to know the surface area of the room to know how much carpet you will need.If you are making a label for a soup can company, you will need to know the surface area of the can.

Are all prisms made up of 2-D shapes?

Technically, anything 3D or 4D is "made up of" 2D shapes. 2D to most people nowdays means a flat surface, such as a piece of paper. So it cannot be a prism, technically. Although to my mind, I can visualize that a sheet of plastic held at the right angle to a light, could possibly become a prism. But that plastic doesn't truly fit the 2D meaning. 2D means it can be measured in 2 directions only. That it HAS only 2 dimensions. ACTUALLY, I am always aware that even a sheet of paper (or whatever) isn't truly 2D even, as it can actually be measured in 3 directions-the paper HAS a thickness too, plus, it exists in a certain time and space, so..even paper is 3D + time + location. Agreed? BUT other people use a sheet of paper as an example of 2D. 2D is a very strange thing to use as an example for anything, as even a straight line made in ink can be measured in 3 directions. Even the ink line has a thickness. (Plus time & location.) But other people would call it 2D. Here's a thought for you- this text on your screen right now has how many dimensions/directions it can be measured? :) Others would say 2D. Actually, it can be measured horizontally, vertically, and is 1 pixel thick on your screen. Is that 2D or 3D? Joke- since it's really just light, electricity, & data... does it have any dimensions at all? Nothing in this dimension can cease to exist, it can only be changed. So- does that apply to this text??? Hit delete. It becomes 3D but in a past space-time line? lol Cyberspace is whole new ballgame, huh? lol Is a memory in our minds 1D, 2D, 3D, or no D at all? :) Don't think about that 1 too hard. lol Confused? yeh, feels fun, huh? :)I make 3D items in a 3D community online, so if I make a triangle prism in a 3D program, each side is 2D, but it has no inside at all, no thickness really, which in the Earth 3D world would mean it wouldn't exist at all. i can make it seem to have a solid core, but I sure can't take it out of my computer & play with it on the lawn. lol Then again, a triangle prism (or any other) has what people would CALL 2d on each side, so the way you word that question, with "made up of", could possibly mean EACH SIDE. Then the answer would be yes. Except that doesn't account for at least a 1 atom thickness of those sides. Almost makes it a question of "do you want technically, or in general, or an in general example, or a figure of speech?" Sorry, my brain just can't accept a figure of speech ("an expression") to answer a scientific question. lol Would have made this answer lots shorter.

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A yard is 20 feet by 8 feet there are 120 blades of grass per squire inch how many blades of grass in the entire lawn?

There are 144 square inches to the sq. 120 blades of grass per sq. inch it would have 17,280 blades to every sq. foot. 17,280 blades times 160 square feet of surface to the lawn would equal 2,764,800 blades of grass.

How many blades of grass are in a square inch?

There could be as many as 100 blades of grass in one square inch of lawn. This number could double if the grass is very lush.

How many blades of grass is in the world?

Waaaay too many to count. Think of it this way: one acre of grassland can hold as many as over a million blades of grass. Now think of the billions of acres of grassland, lawns and pastures in the world and how many blades of grass are in those. Quite a few, right?

Lawn Mower Blades?

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How many blades of grass are there on an average lawn?

about 400,000,000, give or take a bagel

Why isn't your riding lawn mower cutting grass?

Assuming the blades are rotating but not cutting grass, the blades may be very dull or they were replaced upside down when removed for sharpening.

Grass Plugs?

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Why does your lawn tractor leave a trail of uncut grass down the middle with new blades?

Are you sure the belt is on correctly?.

What is scalping in turf grass?

Scalping in turf grass is caused by :- (a) Setting the height of cut too low and removing too much of the grass blades as you cut. This can leave the the lawn looking straw coloured as if it had been scorched. (b) Removing most, or all of the grass blades on raised areas of the lawn as you mow over them even if the height of cut is correctly set for the majority of the area.

Why grasses grow after trimming?

Grasses grow from the roots, which are able to avoid the blades of a mower. Study a lawn that has been mown a few days back, and notice that tips have been square cut by the mower blades, yet the grass has grown an inch or two taller (from the bottom).

Cutting Grass?

form_title=Cutting Grass form_header=A lawn looks best when it is trimmed and well maintained. How often would you like your grass cut?=_ What is the square footage of your lawn?=_ What type of grass to have that needs cutting?=_

How can I remove old grass?

You can remove old grass with lawn mower. A lawn mower is an important equipment to maintain the beauty of the lawn. The mower is mechanized with revolving blades to cut a lawn at an even length to make it good-looking. All that you need to do to operate this mower is to walk behind the mower and the trimming of grass is taken care by this equipment. Lawn movers assure productivity besides helping the operator to cut the grass irrespective of acres with ease.