

How many degrees does a hendecagon?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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A hendecagon is a regular 11-sided polygon, the angles of which are all 147.27(recurring) degrees. With 11 sides there will be 11 angles, so 147.27 * 11 = 1620 degrees.

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15y ago
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Q: How many degrees does a hendecagon?
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How many sides the hendecagon have?

The hendecagon is a polygon with eleven sides.

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Presumably the question concerns a hendecagon. The sum of the interior angles of a n-gon are (n-2)*180 degrees. For a hendecagon, the sum of the interior angles would be 9*180 = 1620 degrees. If the hendecagon is regular, then all its interior angles are equal, and each is then 1620/11 = 147.2727.. degrees.

How many lines of symetry does a hendecagon have?

A hendecagon has 11 lines of symmetry.

How many parallel lines does a hendecagon have?

A hendecagon can have upto 5 pairs of parallel lines.

How many pairs of parallel sides are there in a hendecagon?

A right hendecagon can have no parallel sides because there are eleven sides to a hendecagon. It is not a requirement that there be any pairs of parallel sides in an irregular hendecagon, although there could be one or more pairs.

How many sides does a hendecagon have?


A hendecagon has how many sides?


How many diagonals in a hendecagon?

there are six

How many angles of hendecagon?

They have none