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It can be different, depends what shape it is

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Q: How many faces does an irregular polyhedron have?
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Related questions

What is an 3d shape called if it has irregular faces?

An irregular polyhedron if it has plane faces. If not, then there usually will not be a name for it.

How many faces does a irregular polyhedron have?

'Poly' in this sense, means many or multi. No definite number

What is an irregular polyhedron?

An irregular polyhedron is a solid shape in which either all edges are not the same length, or all faces are not congruent polygons or all [solid] angles are not of the same measure.

How many faces does a spherical polyhedron have?

A spherical polyhedron is a dodecahedron with 12 faces

Why is a sphere not a polyhedron?

A sphere is not a polyhedron because it has no edges, no vertices and no flat faces The word 'polyhedron' means many faces.

Is a polyhedron a two-dimensional polygon?

No it is 3 dimensional because it has many faces

A polyhedron with 12 vertices and 30 edges has how many faces?

A polyhedron has 30 edges and 12 vertices. How many faces does it have

What shape do you get if you take a corner off hexagonal prism?

A polyhedron with 9 faces: a nonahedron.A polyhedron with 9 faces: a nonahedron.A polyhedron with 9 faces: a nonahedron.A polyhedron with 9 faces: a nonahedron.

Is triangular pyramid a polyhedron or not?

Yes because it has many faces which is the meaning of a polyhedron

What is the definition of polyhedron?

A polygon has many sides whereas a polyhedron has many faces as for example a pyramid

What is poyhedron?

A polyhedron is an object that has many faces

Is a pentagon based pyramid a polyhedron?

Yes because polyhedron means many faces