There are 0.3048 metres in one foot. Therefore, rounded to two decimal places, one metre is equal to 1/0.3048 = 3.28 feet.
There are 12 inches in one foot. Therefore, 55 inches is equal to 55/12 = 4.583 recurring (that is, 4.583333...) feet.
Adding the exact values of these two calculations together, and rounding to 2 decimal places, gives 7.86 feet.
Each tile covers 336 square inches. You have 62,208 square inches to cover. You will need 185.1 tiles, plus extra for damage and shaping.
61 yards and 3 inches (189 / 3, plus the 3 inches)
10,000 square feet = 1,111.1 square yards.
In theory the answer is 240 tiles but this assumes that the area is "well behaved" and, if not, that you are prepared to use all the offcuts to fill bits in mosaic-style. A shape which in 17 inches wide, for example, will require a lot more pavers.
Each tile covers 4 square feet. Which means you need 200 tiles to cover 800 square feet, plus spoilage.
132 inches
2 yards plus 8 feet=168 inches
14 feet 5 inches
14 feet 5 inches
63 because 5 feet is 60 inches plus 3 inches
25 inches^2
10 inches + 12 feet is 154 inches. 10 feet + 12 feet is 264 inches.
46 feet = 15 yards plus 12 inches.
3 yards plus 39 inches = 12 feet 3 inches.
120 inches.