There are .108 square feet in one decimeter. One square foot is equal to 9.29 decimeters.
how many square feet in 25 feet by 6 feet
10279 square feet.
How many square feet are in the world?
About 430.5 square feet. (430.556417 square feet)
7500 square feet
1 decimeter=0.32808399 feet
how much is one decimeter?
15.5 sq inch = 1 sq decimeter
0.32808399 feet
1dm = 0.328ft
1 decimeter=0.32808399 feet
1 decimeter is a unit of length and sqft is a unit of area, you can not equate the two, so your question is meaningless.
If you are asking about a square decimeter, then it could be 1 decimeter by 1 decimeter. It is also equal to 100 square centimeters.
The square meter is roughly 10 square feet, while the square decimeter is roughly 1/10 of a square foot.
1 millimetre square = 0.0001 decimetres square.
You can't convert that.