A polygon has as many corners (vertices) as it has sides.
A polygon is a 2-dimensional figure.
A polygon can have any amount of sides - three or more, that is. There is a lovely Wikipedia page on polygons, it can help with any other polygon questions you may have: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polygon
Poly means many and polygon means shape of many sides
A polygon is a shape with multiple sides. There are an infinite number of polygons, as the polygon is classified by the number of sides.
If by 'ides' you mean sides, then there are two pairs of parallel sides in a parallelogram.
4 sides
Ides is a noun.
There is no formula for how many sides there are in a polygon; the name of the polygon shows how many sides it has.
I think you mean the Ides of March. The Ides were a date in the Roman calendar. Julius Caesar was assassinated on the Ides of March or March 15th.
It depends on what the polygon is.
The Ides of March is considered bad fortune because Julius Caesar was assassinated on the Ides of March. He was warned to beware the Ides of March beforehand. Since then it became a superstition that the Ides of March brought bad fortune.
Julius Caesar was stabbed to death on the ides of March.Julius Caesar was stabbed to death on the ides of March.Julius Caesar was stabbed to death on the ides of March.Julius Caesar was stabbed to death on the ides of March.Julius Caesar was stabbed to death on the ides of March.Julius Caesar was stabbed to death on the ides of March.Julius Caesar was stabbed to death on the ides of March.Julius Caesar was stabbed to death on the ides of March.Julius Caesar was stabbed to death on the ides of March.
The ides of February is on the 13th of the month. The ides refers to the 15th day of the month if the month is March, May, July, or October. Any other month the ides is on the 13th.
Julius Caesar was killed on the Ides of March.
There many angles but it depends on what polygon it is
It depends on the polygon