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Q: How many lines in ashok chakra?
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How many sticks do you have in Ashok Chakra?

The Ashok Chakra on the Indian flag has 24 spokes or sticks.

How many stics in ashok chakra?


How many spokes in the Ashok Chakra?

There are 24 spokes in the Ashoka Chakra, which is featured on the national flag of India.

What is the color of ashok chakra?

navy blue

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How many chakras did Indian flag have?

There are four (4)colours in Indian national flag.Saffronwhitegreenand Deep blue in ashok chakra

What is Indias's national symbol?

It's the emblem of india adopted from "Ashok Chakra" .

Who was the first Indian woman to receive Ashok Chakra?

Karnam Malleswari , 2000

What is the difference between ashok chakra award and paramvir chakra award?

The Ashoka Chakra is a civilian decoration awarded for valor, courageous action, or self-sacrifice away from the battlefield, while the Param Vir Chakra is India's highest military decoration awarded for displaying conspicuous bravery and gallantry in the presence of the enemy during wartime.

Who has been awarded Ashok chakra award in 26 January 2012?

Lt.nandeep Singh

Who won ashok chakra award in India in Republic Day 2012?

Lt navdeep singh

Ashok chakra award in 2006?

Neeraj Bhanot was a flight attendant for PAN AM airlines based in BOMBAY INDIA who died while saving passengers from terrorists on board the hijacked PAN AM FLIGHTS 73 on september 5 1986 she went on to become the youngest recipient of INDIAS highest civilian award for bravery the ashok chakra.