A diamond has two rotation symmetry. It is possible to have a diamond that does have four of rotation symmetry.
4 Lines of symmetry
There is no such thing as 8 lines of symmetry. A circle, for example, has infinitely many lines of symmetry.
A diamond symbol has two lines of symmetry.
A diamond.
Types of quadrilaterals that have lines of symmetry: squares, rectangles, some rhombuses (standard diamond shape), boomerang shape, and trapezoids.
I think 4, like a square hope this helped
Depends on what type of shape it is. If its a diamond shaped kite then it does have 2 lines or symmetry
a trapezoid has a pair of symmetry lines but a square diamond or parallelogram all sides are parallel
A diamond has two rotation symmetry. It is possible to have a diamond that does have four of rotation symmetry.
A nephroid has 2 lines of symmetry.
it has five lines of symmetry