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An octahedron is a closed 3-d shape with 8 polygonal faces. There are 257 topologically different convex octahedra. Some of these have no parallel sides whereas a right hexagonal prism has 3 quartet of parallel sides and one sextet.

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Q: How many parallel lines in an octahedron?
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Related questions

Does a octahedron have parallel lines?

It can, but it need not have parallel lines.

How many parallel lines does an octahedron have?

The 12 edges of a regular octahedron consist of 6 parallel opposite pairs. In fact, the 12 edges form 3 squares.

How many perpendicular lines does an octahedron have?

An octahedron has 7 perpendicular lines.

How many parellel lines does a octahedron?

An octahedron is a closed 3-d shape with 8 polygonal faces. There are 257 topologically different convex octahedra. Some of these have no parallel sides whereas a right hexagonal prism has 3 quartet of parallel sides and one sextet.

How many lines of symmetry does an octahedron?


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Are all the faces on a octahedron parallel?

Not necessarily. A heptagon-based pyramid is an octahedron and it has no parallel faces.

How many parallel edges and faces does a octahedron have?

An octahedron is a closed 3-d shape with 8 polygonal faces. There are 257 topologically different convex octahedra. The number of parallel edges or faces will depend on the particular octahedron. A heptagon-based pyramid, for example, has no parallel edges nor parallel faces.

How many parallel faces does an octahedron have?

There are 257 topologically different convex octahedra. Many of these will have no parallel faces. It can have four pairs of parallel faces.

How many faces of octahedron are parallel?

An octahedron is a closed 3-d shape with 8 polygonal faces. There are 257 topologically different convex octahedra. Some of these have no parallel edges whereas a right hexagonal prism has 4 pairs of parallel faces.

Does a octahedron have any parallel faces or edges?

its has parallel faces and edges

How many parallel lines does a trangle have?

A triangle can have no parallel lines.