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Gyms come in all shapes and sizes and so it is impossible to answer the question.

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Q: How many ping pong balls fit in a gym?
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How many ping pong ball will fit in a mini cooper?


How many ping pong balls would fit in a school bus?

a number .

How many ping-pong balls fit in a doghouse?

enough none because cows don't eat bananas

How many ping pong balls would fit into a 747-8 using the main and lower cargo deck?

Approximately 19 million.

How many ping pong balls can you fit in a VW beetle?

To determine how many ping pong balls can fit in a VW Beetle, we need to calculate the volume of both the ping pong ball and the interior space of the Beetle. A regulation ping pong ball has a diameter of 40mm, and a VW Beetle has an interior volume of approximately 2,165 cubic feet. By dividing the volume of the VW Beetle by the volume of a ping pong ball, we can estimate that around 210,000 ping pong balls could fit in a VW Beetle, assuming they can be packed efficiently without any wasted space.

How many ping pong balls can you fit in a mini-cooper?

It's difficult to determine the exact number without specific measurements, but the average Mini Cooper has a cargo volume of around 8-10 cubic feet. Assuming a ping pong ball has a volume of about 2.7 cubic inches, you could potentially fit several thousand ping pong balls in a Mini Cooper.

How many ping pong balls can you fit in the trunk of a 2009 Aston Martin DBS?

you must be the same person asking for the # of seats in sec 167

How many tennis balls can fit into a shoe box?

625 A ping-pong ball is a 40mm diameter sphere, which has a volume of 33.5 square centimeters (2.04 in^3). If we assume the ping pong balls naturally pack themselves in Hexagonally Closest Packed (HCP) arrangement, then we have 12^3 inches divided by 2.04in^3, times the 74% packing efficiency of HCP, which gives us about 625 ping pong balls.

How many ping pong balls would fit inside a 747?

3500 33000

How many ping-pong balls can fit in a box of 30 X 30 inches?

It depends on the size of ball and the arrangement you use, but anywhere from 700 to 900 is a fair estimate.

How many ping pong balls can you fit in a jeep?

I asked around, but i need to know if the top is up or down: 8,802 - up (median answer) 4000 - down does it include the trunk? are the balls loose or packaged? what make and model jeep are we talking? typical jeep or like land rover freelander? please respond.