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Q: How many polygons are used for a cube?
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Why is a cube a polygon or why not?

A cube is not a polygon because polygons are 2-dimensional objects whereas a cube is 3-dimensional.

Is a cube a polygon why or why not?

No it is NOT a polygon, because polygons reffer to 2-demensional figures, however, a CUBE is three demensional.

Why is a cube a polygon?

It is because a cube has four sides and four angles polygons have four sides and four angles.

Are polgons and polyhedrons the same?

polygons are 2d(square), poly hedrons are 3d(cube)

What is odd one out?

It is the cube which is a 3D shape while the others are all 2D polygons

What is the collective name of a cube tetrahedron dodecahedron and a octahedron?

Polygons ( means many sides). They are called solids or polyhedrons; they exist in three dimensions and not two.

what is odd one out heptagontrianglehexagoncubepentagon?

It is the cube which is a 3D shape while the others are all 2D polygons

How many polygons are there?

There is an infinite amount of polygons.

Why each letter in polygons name used only once?

polygons are polygons u willl find the answer here trust me each letter in polygons name used only once because it is a word

Is a cube a polyvon why or why not?

No. In geometry polygons refer to flat shapes, that only have two dimensions. From Greek Poly- means many, and -gon means angles. Polyhedrons are the three dimensional equivalent. So a cube is a polyhedron, not a polygon.

What is the difference between polygons and polyhedrons?

A polygon is a flat figure, like a square. A polyhedron is a 3D figure, like a cube.

Which statement is good generalization about all polygons?

Polygons are flat shapes with many sides