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It has rotational symmetry order 2. Its is also known as a diamond and is a special type of rectangle

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Q: How many rotational symmetry does a rhombus have?
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Can a quadrilateral that has rotational symmetry have no reflectional symmetry?

Yes. A rhombus has a 180 degree rotational symmetry but no reflection symmetry.

What quadrilateral that has neither line symmetry or rotational symmetry?

A rhombus

Is a rhombus rotational or reflectional symmetry?


Is a rhombus symmetrical?

Yes a rhombus has 2 lines of symmetry. These lines of symmetry join its opposite corners.

What is the order of rotational symmetry of a rhombus?

order two

Which shape has 2 lines of symmetry but no rotational symmetry?

A rhombus is one example.

What is the symmetry in a rhombus?

There is reflective symmetry about each of the diagonals as well as rotational symmetry or order 2.

What quadrilateral has rotational symmetry and reflective symmetry in special cases?

Rhombus has an 180 degree rotational symmetry, but no reflectional symmetry. Ps. i roll for my black men

Does a rhombus have rotational symmetry?

Yes, of order 2.

What are facts about a rhombus?

A rhombus is a polygon. A rhombus is a 4 sided shape and an 'equilateral quadrilateral' (all sides are the same length). Opposite angles are equal in a rhombus. A rhombus can tessellate. A rhombus has two lines of symmetry, joining its opposite corners. A rhombus also has rotational symmetry. A kite is a rhombus, and has rotational symmetry of both 180 degrees as well as 360 degrees, A rhombus is not a regular polygon as all angles have to be congruent for it to be classed as regular.

How rhombus has order 2 rotational symmetry?

Because a rhombus which is rotated through 180 degrees will coincide with itself.

Which quadrilaterals have rotational symmetry?

A parallelogram - including rhombus and rectangle - has 180 degree symmetry. A square has 90 deg.