It has 6 sides. The prefix hex is derived from latin and means 6.
A hexagon has 6 sides and 6 angles. The prefix comes from the Greek 'hex' for six.
A hexagon (hex=10) has ten sides, a rhombus has 4 sides. Therefore, a hexagon has 6 more sides than a rhombus.
one. if you are talking sides points or angles then you would get 8. hex=8 this is because a hexagon is a flat shape and if it is flat, it has one face or surface * * * * * The main answer is correct: only one face. But hex = 6, not 8
Well, honey, a hexagon has 6 sides, hence the "hex" in the name, while a pentagon has 5 sides. So, if you're ever in a shape showdown, now you know who's bringing more sides to the party.
A hexagon has 6 sides hence the word HEX...
6 sides, the root word hex=6
Hexagon is a polygon with 6 sides. Hex = Six. Some popular prefixes... Pent = 5 Hex = 6 Oct = 8
6. Here is a hint... Hex. Remember that six has an x in it. And hex has 6 sides.
It has 6 sides. The prefix hex is derived from latin and means 6.
A hexagon has six sides and angles; ''hex'' means 6.
Well, that would mean that the "hex" is the shape with six sides. Also, it would be any thing or any word with hex and most likely ( 85% ) would have to do with hex.
A hexagon has 6 sides and 6 angles. The prefix comes from the Greek 'hex' for six.
6 sides because the prefix hex means 6.
6 because remember hex and six it always works
78 hex=6 so 13x6=78