You have to multiply the two dimensions to get the area. In this case the answer will be 7,500 square feet.
1 acre = 43,560 square feet
A 27 acre parcel contains 1,176,120 square feet.
If a square lot of equal sides length, the total would be 10,890 square feet.
7,500 square feet. Multiply length by width - the result is the area in square feet.
To get the area you multiply the length and the width. Doing the math gives an answer of 11,250 square feet.
There are 0.17 acres in a lot that is 7,405 square feet.
Answer: 75 square feet = 6.96772 square meters.
1,960,200 square feet.
A residential lot is not a standard measure.
1 acre = 43,560 square feet
A 27 acre parcel contains 1,176,120 square feet.
The perimeter of a 5-acre square lot is 1,866.76 feet or 1,866 feet and 9.12 inches.
a lot 22.296
6,650 square feet is 0.15 acres.
841 square yards.
If a square lot of equal sides length, the total would be 10,890 square feet.