A decimal is a way of representing numbers. It has no magnitude of its own and so a decimal cannot be equivalent to any square feet. The question is like asking how many metres in an integer!
One decimal = 435.6 square feet.
approx 720 sqaure feet
1 decimal = 435.6 sq feet.
There are no decimal spaces here.
There are 10.76391 square feet in a square metre. So there are 740 / 10.76391 = 68.75 (rounded to two decimal places) square metres in 740 square feet.
One decimal = 435.6 square feet.
It is 435.6 sq ft.
approx 720 sqaure feet
Not sure about a dismil since that is a word I have never come across beofre.However, a decimal, as a measure of area is 435.6 sq ft.
1 decimal = 435.6 square feet.
435 square feet
1 decimal = 435.6 sq feet.
80 decimal = 34848 sq feet approx.
There are no decimal spaces here.
1 decimal equals how many square feet
3 decimal=1200aq ft
90 decimal = 39204 square feet.