1 acre 43560 square feet
0.06 acres 43560 x 0.06 2631.6 sq ft 0.06 acres 2613.6 square feet
006 (ignore the noughts)
0.01% of 006 = 006*0.01/100 = 0.0006
0.00006 or .006%
.006 is smaller.
2 236 006 square kilometers, to which it should be added the Border States' area of 312, 473 square kilometers.
Elizabeth P. Crockett, Davy Crockett's second wife is buried in the Acton State Historical Site in Acton, TX. The state park is .006 acres in size.
.004 to .006 in. on the intake and .006 to.008 in. on the exhaust
Intake: .004-.006 Exhaust: .006-.008
.006, a milligram is a millionth of a gram and a kilogram is 1000 grams so 6 million milligrams wud be 6 grams, so divide that by 1000 and you get .006! :D