To convert square feet to square meters, you need to multiply by 0.0929. Therefore, 10ft x 10ft is equal to 100 square feet. When you multiply 100 square feet by 0.0929, you get approximately 9.29 square meters. So, 10ft x 10ft is approximately 9.29 square meters.
400 square feet
The area is the product of (Length) times (Width)6ft by 10ft = (6 x 10) = 60 square feet.
8*10 = 80 square feet.
To get the answer multiply length and width. The answer will come out to be 1,152 square feet.
10 feet x 10 feet = 100 square feet.
18ft*20ft = 360 square feet
If that is 20ft by 20ft then there are 400 square feet
To convert square feet to square meters, you need to multiply by 0.0929. Therefore, 10ft x 10ft is equal to 100 square feet. When you multiply 100 square feet by 0.0929, you get approximately 9.29 square meters. So, 10ft x 10ft is approximately 9.29 square meters.
The answer will depend on the size of the tiles.
20ft x 10ft x 7ft = 1400 cubic feet 1 yard of dirt = 27 cubic feet Hence yards required = 1400/27 = 51.85
To convert square feet to square meters, you would multiply by 0.0929. Therefore, for a 20ft x 20ft area, you would calculate 20ft x 20ft = 400 square feet. To convert this to square meters, you would multiply 400 by 0.0929, resulting in an area of approximately 37.16 square meters.
400 square feet
There are: 20 times 9 = 180 square feet
The area is the product of (Length) times (Width)6ft by 10ft = (6 x 10) = 60 square feet.