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Q: How many square feet will one ton of decomposed granite?
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How many square inches will a yard of decomposed granite cover at two inches deep?

We don't know how decomposed granite lies or settles. All we can tell you is that(1 cubic yard that's 2 inches high) covers 23,328 square inches = 162 square feet.

How many yards of decomposed granite is needed for 1435 square feet X 3 inches deep?

I was not aware that granite decomposed! A yard is sometimes used, in the building trade, as an abbreviation for cubic yard. 1435 sq ft * 3 inches = 1435/9 * 3/36 = 13.29 cubic yards, approx.

How many square feet will a yard of decomposed granite cover at 0.5 inches thick?

A yard is 3 feet by 3 feet by 3 feet. So a face of the cube is 9 square feet and you can get 72 (36/.5) slices out of the height of the cube, so 9 X 72 = 648

How many square feet in a slab of granite?

Probably none because a slab of granite would be measured in cubic feet.

How many square feet are in a slab of granite at 112 by 72 inches?

21ft by 10ft

How many square feet equals 1 tons for the granite stone?

depends what kind and how thick

How many square feet of granite slab walkway can 1 man install in an 8 hour shift?


How many cubic feet of granite make one ton granite?

One ton of granite is equivalent to approximately 36 cubic feet.

How many cubic feet of granite are in a yard?

There are 27 cubic feet in a cubic yard. So, if you have a yard of granite, you would have 27 cubic feet of granite.

How many sq feet will a cubic yard of crushed granite cover?

The answer depends on how deep the granite is meant to be.

150 feet is how many square feet?

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How many square feet are in 10279 square feet?

10279 square feet.