

Best Answer

37 linear ft. simply means 37 ft. long.

You cannot convert a single linear measurement to an area.

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Q: How many square ft are in 37 linear ft?
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Answer: 37 m² = 398.264 ft²

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Answer: 37 m² = 398.264 ft²

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Square feet are a measurement of area while linear feet are a measurement of length or distance, they are completely different and are not convertible.

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The answer is 336 sq ft or 37.33 sq yd (37 1/3 square yards).

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36 in * 37 in = 1332 sq in = 1662/144 = 9.25 sq feet.

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Linear feet and square feet are different units and cannot be directly converted

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A linear foot is a unit of length. A square foot is a unit of area. The two units are therefore incompatible.

If you have 90 square yards of carpet how many linear feet will that cover?

You can't calculate linear footage based on square yardage alone. If you meant square footage it will cover 810 sq. ft..

How many linear yards are in 15000 square feet?

It is impossible to convert square units into linear units as this requires losing a dimension. An area can have any shape you desire: all that matters is that its area is the required value. Examples: a rectangle of area 15,000 sq ft can have dimensions of 3 ft by 5,000 ft or 1 linear yard by 1666 2/3 linear yards (with a perimeter of 3335 1/3 linear yards); or a rectangle can be 60 ft x 250 ft or 20 linear yards by 83 1/3 linear yards (with a perimeter of 206 2/3 linear yards); Or the area could be enclosed by a circle of radius approx 23.03 linear yards (with a perimeter of approx 144.72 linear yards; Or the surface area of a sphere with a radius of approx 11.52 linear yards (with no perimeter). It can be said that a linear yard has zero width, therefore there are 15000 sq ft / 0 ft = infinitely many linear feet = infinitely many linear yards.