The South Pole is a GPS location known as 90 degrees S. There is no area involved in a precise GPS location.
There are 6,592,848.8 square miles in 17,075,400 square kilometers. 17,075,400 square kilometers x 1 square mile/2.58998811 square kilometers = 6,592,848.8 square miles 1 square miles = 2.58998811 square kilometers
1 acre = 0.004 square kilometers.
0.0040469 square km
740 square kilometres.
2,966,152.61 square miles.
The latitude of Gibraltar is 36.1408° N. The latitude of the North Pole is 90° N; the latitude of the South Pole is 90° S. Gibraltar is 53.8592° from the North Pole, and 126.1408° from the South Pole.
In kilometers, the elevation of the South Pole above sea level is 2.8349448.
4940 kilometers...... (1 degree latitude is equal to 111 kilometers)
Measured in kilometers and in a straight line, the number you want is 5,180.48.
Measured in a straight line and expressed in kilometers, the number you want is 6134.82.
The distance between the South Pole and the North Pole, measured along the Earth's surface, is roughly 12,430 miles (20,000 kilometers) across the diameter of the Earth.
New South Wales covers an area of approximately 801,150 square kilometers.
Measured in kilometers and in a straight line, the number you want is 9,052.56.
The diameter of the Earth from North Pole to South Pole is about 12713.6 kilometers. The distance through the Earth from opposite longitudes at the equator is farther due to the rotational "bulge", about 12776.2 kilometers.
It takes about 12,450.5 miles from the north pole to the south pole or south pole to north pole.
South Korea's area is 38,700 square miles (100,000 square kilometers).
The South Pole is many miles inland. The discovery was a ship. It never visited the South Pole