To convert square feet to square meters, you need to multiply by 0.09290304. In this case, 6ft by 6ft is 36 square feet. Therefore, to convert to square meters, you would multiply 36 by 0.09290304, which equals approximately 3.345 square meters.
how many roof tiles do I need for 6ft by 4 ft pitched
Assuming that's a rectangle, convert from feet to meters (1 foot = 0.3048 meters), then multiply.
The area is the product of (Length) times (Width)6ft by 10ft = (6 x 10) = 60 square feet.
60 feet squared
4ft*6ft = 24 ft2
3456 square inches.
To convert square feet to square meters, you need to multiply by 0.09290304. In this case, 6ft by 6ft is 36 square feet. Therefore, to convert to square meters, you would multiply 36 by 0.09290304, which equals approximately 3.345 square meters.
The answer to 6ft by 4ft in squareft is 24 squared feet
how many roof tiles do I need for 6ft by 4 ft pitched
6+4+5+4+6+4+5+4 = 12 + 10 + 16 = 38. 38ft.
Perimeter = 2*(4ft 10in+6ft 4in) = 22ft 4in
It equals in square meters (6 x 0.3048) x (2 x 0.3048) = 1.1148365 sq meters
Assuming that's a rectangle, convert from feet to meters (1 foot = 0.3048 meters), then multiply.
4ft by 6ft
6ft x 4ft