316944046.766 square mi. in the world including land and water
58.4 square miles.
0.015625 square miles.
2,966,152.61 square miles.
327 square miles
The Pacific Ocean's area is 63,784,000 square miles.
With its adjacent seas, the Atlantic Ocean it occupies an area of about 41,100,000 square miles. Without them it has an area of 31,800,000 square miles.
The Arctic Ocean's area is 5,427,100 square miles.
The area of the Indian Ocean is 28,400,000 square miles (73,556,000 square kilometres).
the atlantic ocean has 10400 miles in it
Hawaii has an area of 10,931 square miles. Of that area, 6,423 square miles are land- the rest is ocean.
The Southern Ocean covers approximately 7.8 million square miles.
The Pacific Ocean is 169.2 million square kilometres (65.3 million square miles) in area.
According to the Wikipedia article... 5,427,000 square miles. This is roughly the same as the Antarctic continent itself.
The Pacific Ocean is 63.8 million sq miles in size, while the Atlantic Ocean is 31.8 million sq miles, which make a difference of 32 million sq miles. Which makes the Pacific Ocean twice as large as the Atlantic Ocean.( Figures taken from the Encyclopedia Britannica )