The 50 states of the US measure a total of 3,794,066 square miles, or 9,826,630 km²
United States - 3,794,101 square miles.
United States - 3,794,101 square miles.
United States - 3,794,101 square miles.
United States - 3,794,101 square miles.
US estimates suggest that 4.7 square miles of Hiroshima were destroyed.
3,794,101 square miles.
Maryland has a total area of about 12,407 square miles.
The area of the US is 3,794,083 square miles.USA - 3,717,811.29 square miles.
United States - 3,794,101 square miles.
About 931,800 square miles were added to the US.
It is the 33rd largest US State with an area of 46,055 square miles.
Actually, China and the US are about the same size.
United States - 3,794,101 square miles.
United States - 3,794,101 square miles.
United States - 3,794,101 square miles.
United States - 3,794,101 square miles.
The total land area of the United States is approximately 3.8 million square miles.