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A triangle cannot be formed by any number of trapezoids. Every time a trapezoid is stretched across one side of a triangle, a smaller triangle similar to the first is formed by the part not covered by the trapezoid.


the triangle was equilateral and the trapezoids were isoceles.

You could fill the triangle with 3 trapezoids as follows:

Use the longer 'bottom' edge of each trapezoid and the 'left' edge of the next trapezoid to make up the edge of the triangle. The shorter 'top' edge of the trapezoids touch the 'right' edge of the next trapezoid in the center of the triangle.

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How many more angles does a trapezoid have than a triangle?

One. A triangle has 3, a trapezoid has 4.

What shape can make a trapezoid and triangle?

A trapezoid and a triangle can make a triangle or another trapezoid, among others.

Is a right triangle a trapezoid?

No. A trapezoid is not a triangle at all

What does a triangle and a trapezoid makes?

A trapezoid and a triangle make a paralellogram.

Is a trapezoid an equilateral right triangle?

No. A trapezoid is not a triangle at all

Can a trapezoid make a triangle?

No because a trapezoid has 4 sides and a triangle has three if a trapezoid had three then it would be a triangle. If you had 3 trapezoids you could make a triangle!

A triangle or trapezoid with two congruent sides is?

An isosceles triangle and a isosceles trapezoid.

How many more sides does a trapezoid have than a triangle?


How is an isosceles triangle related to an isosceles trapezoid?

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What is a triangle or trapezoid with at least two congruent sides?

It is an isosceles triangle and an isosceles trapezoid

What makes a triangle and a trapezoid?

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Is no triangle a trapezoid?
