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If there are to be no seams in the material (if it is available in a width of 72", then 72 inches in length will form a square which will exactly meet the edge of the circle in four places, so that none of the table is visible. 72" = 6 feet = 2 yards of a material which is 72" wide would do this. This would be 4 square yards. However that would not allow for the usual 'drop' which a tablecloth has.... the amount which hangs over the edges of a table when the cloth is laid on it. A drop ofg 12 or more inches would not be uncommon, and to achieve that you would need to buy a minimum of 8 feet of a material which is also 8 feet wide. So if you went to an 18" drop, you would need to buy a square 9 feet by 9 feet - or 3 yards by 3 yards.

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Q: How many yards of mterial will it take to make a table cloth for a 72 inch round table?
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How many yards for a 70 inch round table cloth?

23 yards 1 foot

How many yards of fabric are needed to make a 70 inch round table cloth?

You need at least 4 yards of fabric to make a 70 inch round table cloth. Most people would use close to 6 yards to make the designs that they'd like to.

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How many yards would you need to fit a 6 foot round table?

3.7283 yards.

How many yards of fabric do you need for a 54 inch square table cloth?

One and a half yards of 60 inch width fabric.

How many yards of fabric to make a 72 diameter table cloth?

You don't say what shape of table. However, for a table cloth you need to measure the length and width of the table plus 12" overhang on each side. For example, if your table is rectangular 72" long and 30" wide you'll need fabric 96" long and 54" wide minimum (plus you'll need to add a little extra to allow for hemming; maybe another inch per side). In the event your table is round, you'll need enough fabric for 98" x 98" (hem allowance included).

What is 40 yards of cloth called?

in medieval times a standard bolt of cloth was 40 cloth-yards (37 inches) in length

How many yards do I need for a 72 inch table cloth with a 12inch drop using a toile fabric?

1 yard = 36in 84in x 1yd/36in = 2.33333 or 2 1/3 yards

How many yards to cover a 2.5 x 8ft banquet table?

There are 9 sq. ft. in a sq. yard. So 8 times 2.5 = 20 sq. ft. Divide by 9 = 2.22. sq. yards. That is the area of the table's surface. If you are looking for a table cloth to cover the table with overhang, I would suggest material 48" wide (4 feet.) and 3 1/2 yards (10' 6" ) long.

How many yards of fabric are needed to make a 96 inch round tablecloth?

No it will not fit. It will sit on the table like a large, odd-looking place mat. Tablecloth measurements refer to the exact size of the table cloth, not to the size of table it will fit. For a 96 inch diameter round table, you'll likely need a 120 inch diameter tablecloth to allow for 12 inch overhang all the way around. You can use a 108 inch round, which will give you a 6 inch drop or 120 inch round, which will give you a 12 inch drop or 128 inch round, which will give you a 16 inch drop

What size table cloth for a 72 inch round table?

If you are making a rectangular 9 ft. tablecloth, you will probably need a little more than 9 ft. of fabric to allow for turning under and finishing your two ends. I would suggest 3 yards (9 ft.) plus another 6 in. to allow for turning under 1" and finishing your two ends with 2" hems.

What size tablecloth covers a 60 inch round table?

To make a 60" round tablecloth, you must first select the fabric desired. Fabric comes in widths, 36", 48" 60". If you buy 60" fabric, you would need 1 2/3 yards, if the fabric is 45" you will need double the length or3 1/3 yards.