Sory- but since there is no ONE house, there is no ONE answer to your question. It will depend on the shape of your house- 1 story or 2? What slope roof? Number of rooms in the interior.
2,690.9776 ft2
250 square meters is 2,691 square feet.
300 (square meters) = 3,229.2 square feet.
620 (square meters) = 6,673.62 square feet.
Answer: 102 m² = 1,097.918 ft²
lineal (or linear) metre, this refers to length or distance. this avoids confusion of square metres or cubic metres. there is no need to use this term in normal circumstances. timber can be sold by the cubic metre for fire wood, square metre for flooring or linear metre for framing
about £600 a square/meter.
2,690.9776 ft2
Depends how big it is.....
250 square meters is 2,691 square feet.
300 (square meters) = 3,229.2 square feet.
620 (square meters) = 6,673.62 square feet.
It depends on the density of the timber.
Answer: 102 m² = 1,097.918 ft²
Answer: 384 m² = 4,133.341 ft²
22.3 square meters.
To convert square meters to square feet, you can multiply by 10.764. Therefore, a 215 square meter house is approximately 2,314 square feet.