The Bermuda Triangle doesn't actually exist as a triangle, any more than selecting three different locations on the surface of the Earth and calling them a triangle.
The Bermuda Triangle is an area where (supposedly) strange things happen (but don't really), so I suppose the correct answer is: the Bermuda Triangle was formed by someone looking to make a quick buck by selling fanciful stories to a gullible public.
isosceles triangle
isosceles triangle
right triangle
Only one angle is formed by two sides of a triangle. It can be anything less than 180 degrees.
What type of triangle, if any , can be formed with angle measures of 32°, 126° , and 32°
Currently Irving Romaine is the Bernuda cricket team's captain.
No because it cannot be formed into a triangle when formed in dots of a triangle.
isosceles triangle
another triangle
An isosceles triangle
Answer: Another Triangle
isosceles triangle
It is a triangle similar to the original but quarter the size.
A triangle is formed by three straight lines and has three interior angles that add up to 180 degrees.
right triangle
A right angle triangle is formed if you draw a line through it straight down from the pointed tip to the base.
right triangle