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*Note that it is assumed you know what the terms diameter, perpendicular, bisect/bisection and intersection mean in relation to geometry. If not, they are explained in the discussion area. To construct a regular pentagon using a compass and ruler (a longer, but more precise method): # Draw a circle in which to inscribe the pentagon and mark the center point O. # Choose a point A on the circle; this will be one vertex of the pentagon. Draw the diameter line through O and A. # Construct a line perpendicular to the line OA passing through O. Mark its intersection with one side of the circle as the point B. # Construct the point C as the midpoint of O and B. # Draw a circle centered at C through the point A. Mark its intersection with the line OB(inside the original circle) as the point D. # Draw a circle centered at A through the point D. Mark its intersections with the original circle as the points E and F. # Draw a circle centered at E through the point A. Mark its other intersection with the original circle as the point G. # Draw a circle centered at F through the point A. Mark its other intersection with the original circle as the point H. # Construct the regular pentagon AEGHF. To construct a regular pentagon using a protractor (less time, but not as accurate): # Make a short line. This will be one side of the pentagon. Label the ends A and B # Place the baseline of the protractor on this line, with the centre at A. # Mark the point of 108o with a dot. # Make another line which starts at A, is the same length as AB and goes towards the dot. # Repeat the use of the protractor on the newest line you have drawn three more times. The final line should meet up with B.

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Q: How would you draw a regular pentagon?
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For a regular pentagon, draw a segment from each vertex to the midpoint of the side length directly opposite, there by cutting it in half.

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Yes. It is impossible for a regular pentagon to have two right angles, but quite possible with an irregular pentagon in which the angles are not all equal. The resulting shape looks like how a child would draw a house.

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A regular pentagon has no acute angles. It is possible to draw a pentagon (five sided polygon) where four of the internal angles are acute.

Is a pentagon regular?

A pentagon can be regular, or irregular.

How many angles does a right angles and angles does a pentagon have?

a pentagon has 5 angles. In a regular pentagon, there are no right angles. Each angle is 72 degrees. In a irregular pentagon, there may be right angles...not sure how many..depends on how you draw it

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The area of a regular pentagon with a radius of 7 is 10.1716. If the radius was 5, the area would be 7.26543.

How is a regular pentagon different than a pentagon?

A regular pentagon is both equiangular and equilateral.