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Q: I dont have any vertices what am i?
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A cylinder does not have any vertices?

A cylinder has no vertices.

Does a cylinder does not have any vertices?

A cylinder has no vertices.

Does a sphere have any edges or vertices's?

No it doesn't have any vertices's but it has 1 edge.

What shapes have no vertices's?

Any smooth shape has no vertices.

Which figures have the same number of sides vertices and angles?

Vertices and angles are the same thing. Any polygon has an equal number of sides and vertices (and, therefore, angles).Vertices and angles are the same thing. Any polygon has an equal number of sides and vertices (and, therefore, angles).Vertices and angles are the same thing. Any polygon has an equal number of sides and vertices (and, therefore, angles).Vertices and angles are the same thing. Any polygon has an equal number of sides and vertices (and, therefore, angles).

How any vertices does a box have?

Assuming a rectangular box, there would be 8 vertices (vertices mean corners)

How many vertices does a vertices have?

None.Vertices is a plural term and therefore "a vertices" cannot exist. As a result "a vertices" cannot have any vertices. In fact, it cannot have anything apart from non-existence.

What has 4 vertices?

It could be any quadrilateral or a tertahedron.

What are vertices fourth grade math?

Vertices are the points on any shape. For example, A 2-dimentional square has 4 vertices.

Does a cone have any vertices?

yes exactly one the one that is at the bottom that goes all around the cone base if im wrong dont be shy to change it

What shape has 0 vertices 0edge and 1faces?

A sphere, an ellipsoid, or any irregular globule without any vertices or edges.

How many vertices how many vertices does a quadrilateral have?

A quadrilateral need not have any vertical sides.