second 1 millisecond 0.01 microsecond 0.001 nanosecond 0.0001 centisecond 0.00001 gigasecond 0.000001 yoctosecond 0.0000001 rivmesecond 0.00000001 gallonsecond 0.000000001 hortisecond 0.0000000001 librisecond 0.00000000001 libyasecond 0.000000000001 ardisecond 0.0000000000001
A line does have infinite length because it exists on an infinite plane. The only time it does not have infinite length is when it is a line segment.
.7 seconds
A second measures the period of time equal to 1 86400th of a day.
A point. (Also time, language, concepts, etc.)
For length Meter and for time Second.
A length of time that is 0.00000001 second is also called a "10 nanoseconds" or "10 ns" in scientific notation. This unit of time is commonly used in fields such as physics, engineering, and computing to measure very small time intervals. It is equivalent to one billionth of a second.
By unit of mass add time and conversion ,we can say that SI Unit of length mass is kg and SI Unit of time is seconds (sec).
the length of the day is not a fixed unit of time
The SI base unit for length is the meter (m), and for time, it is the second (s).
The time period of a pendulum is determined by its length and gravitational acceleration. If the length of the second pendulum is one third of the original pendulum, its time period would be shorter since the time period is directly proportional to the square root of the length.
The length of time a is called that an orginism is experctd to live is ab stimulus
The length of time an organism is expected to live is their lifespan.
The SI unit for length is meter (m), for mass is kilogram (kg), for volume is cubic meter (m^3), and for time is second (s).
It can vary from tiny fractions of a second to several sextillion years.
The SI unit for time is seconds (s), for length is meters (m), for speed is meters per second (m/s), and for velocity is also meters per second (m/s).