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Q: If a length of time that is 0.000000001 second is called a what?
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What is the SI base units for length and time?

For length Meter and for time Second.

A length of time that is 0.00000001 second is also called?

A length of time that is 0.00000001 second is also called a "10 nanoseconds" or "10 ns" in scientific notation. This unit of time is commonly used in fields such as physics, engineering, and computing to measure very small time intervals. It is equivalent to one billionth of a second.

Where did we get the length of time the second?


What is SI Unit of length mass and time?

By unit of mass add time and conversion ,we can say that SI Unit of length mass is kg and SI Unit of time is seconds (sec).

Why is the second not defined by the length of a day?

the length of the day is not a fixed unit of time

The SI base units for length and time are?

The SI base unit for length is the meter (m), and for time, it is the second (s).

What will be the time period of occillatione length of the second pendulum is one third?

The time period of a pendulum is determined by its length and gravitational acceleration. If the length of the second pendulum is one third of the original pendulum, its time period would be shorter since the time period is directly proportional to the square root of the length.

What is length of time called that an organism is expected to live?

The length of time a is called that an orginism is experctd to live is ab stimulus

What is the length of time called that an organism is expected?

The length of time an organism is expected to live is their lifespan.

What is SI unit for Length Mass Volume and time?

The SI unit for length is meter (m), for mass is kilogram (kg), for volume is cubic meter (m^3), and for time is second (s).

What is the length of time it takes for one half of the nuclei of a radioactive isotope to decay?

It can vary from tiny fractions of a second to several sextillion years.

SI units for time length speed and velocity?

The SI unit for time is seconds (s), for length is meters (m), for speed is meters per second (m/s), and for velocity is also meters per second (m/s).