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It is quite acceptable to call it an 18-agon but what's more important is knowing how to work out its properties.

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Q: If each interior angle is 160 what is the name of the polygon?
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The measure of each interior angle in a polygon is 120 What is the name of the polygon?

A regular hexagon.

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What is the name of the regular polygon whose interior angle is treble its exterior angle?

It is a regular 8 sided octagon whereas each interior angle is 135 degrees and each exterior angle is 45 degrees.

The measure of each interior angle in a polygon is 120What is the name of the polygon?

A regular hexagon which has 6 equal sides and 6 equal angles.

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If each interior angle measures 120 degrees then it is an hexagon which has 6 sides

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If you mean exterior angle is twice its interior angle then an equilateral triangle will fit the given description because each interior angle is 60 degrees and each exterior angle is 120 degrees

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If measured on the inside of the polygon, the it is an interior angle.

What is the name of the regular polygon interior is treble its exterior angle?

an octagon (8-sided)

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It is a regular octagon which has 8 sides

If an interior angle of a regular polygon is 168 degrees what is the name of the polygon?

It is a triacontagon, or 30-sided shape.The formula for one interior angle of a regular n-sided polygon is 180(n-2)/nwhere 180 (28) / 30 = 168*You can QUICKLY and EASILY find the answer using the formula for one exterior angle : it is 360/n360/30 = 12 and the interior angle is 180-12 = 168.The algebraic equation is(180-168) n = 360

What is the name of polygon that has 40 degrees exterior angle and have an interior angles has 1260 degrees?

It has 9 sides and is called a nonagon

Name the convex polygon whose interior angle measures have each given sum -540 degrees -900 degrees -1800 degrees -2520 degrees thanks?

x + 24375=75